Cooking dried beans beats canned beans anytime. If you have an instant pot, they are so easy, but even if you don't, it is worth your time.
*All beans must be rinsed and picked over for any pebbles
Beans Instant Pot Recipe:
Dry beans, 1 pound (or more if you want!)
Spices (cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, salt, pepper, bay leaf)
*This works for all bean types- black, garbanzo, pinto, cannellini- can mix together for chili or other recipe
To cook beans: rinse and drain beans several times (I use about 1 pound, but can use more if pot is large enough).
Fill pot with water to more than cover the beans (at least double).
You can add salt, pepper and other spices to your liking (I add spices now, especially if I am stopping with whole beans- if making refried beans or using for a soup, you may hold back on these spices and add later).
Turn on bean setting on instant pot and be sure to move valve to pressure. When done, allow pressure to vent. If beans are still firm, you can cook on manual for 5 more minutes, or just keep on low for a few hours and they will continue to cook. You can add more spices during this time if they need more flavor.
*To make refried beans (best if start with pinto though black works too):
Drain the cooked beans, but reserve the liquid.
In pot, turn on sauté mode (adjust to medium), heat butter or olive oil (about 1/4 cup per one pound), add chopped garlic and onion (3 cloves chopped garlic and 1/2 onion chopped) and sauté until onion is translucent, but don't allow to burn
Add bay leaf, cumin, chili powder, oregano, and other spices to preference, and salt and pepper to taste- about 1 T cumin, oregano and salt. 1/2 t chili powder and 1/4 pepper- unless you want extra spice!
Add beans with enough liquid to barely cover- reserve additional liquid.
Simmer and mash with potato masher. Keep adding bean liquid and/or water as the liquid evaporates- you want to keep them moist.
At this time, you can put on manual again for 5 min with enough liquid or keep in sauté mode and be sure to stir so it doesn't stick and continue to add liquid (water or broth works if you use up the reserved bean liquid)- the longer it cooks, the more flavorful it becomes!
Modified stove pot instructions:
To prepare beans: soak in water overnight or for at least 8 hours (for quicker soak, you can boil the water with the beans for 2 min, cover and let beans sit for 60 min)- make sure you have sufficient water as the beans will expand
To cook beans: rinse and drain soaked beans several times. Fill pot again with water to more than cover the beans. You can add salt, pepper and other spices to your liking (I add cumin, chili powder, s&p, sometimes oregano as well especially if I am stopping with whole beans- if making refried beans, you may hold back on these spices).
Boil water and then simmer for 1-2 hours depending on how soft you want the beans. They are ready to eat as is, or you can go to next step
*To make refried beans: Drain the cooked beans, but reserve the liquid. In large pot, heat butter or olive oil, add chopped garlic and onion, add bay leaves, cumin, chili powder, oregano, etc. and salt and pepper to taste- once onion is well cooked, add beans with liquid to barely cover- reserve additional liquid. Simmer and mash with potato masher. Keep adding liquid and/or water as the liquid evaporates- you want to keep them moist. This process will take between 30-45 minutes. Enjoy!
